Over the weekend Maddy posted about the African Fertility Statues that are owned by Ripley's Belive It or Not. You can read about the statues here.

I orginally heard about these statues many years ago before TTC.  I actually tried doing some research on them either earlier this year or late last year to find out where they were at.  At that time I don't remember seeing anything about a tour.  They are about to wrap up the tour in Panama City, FL, and I have already made plans to go.  It's about an 11 hr drive, but DH agreed to it so we're going.  I'm so excited. Not only do I get to touch these world famous fertility statues, but it's in Florida! Does it really get any better than that?
Last Wednesday I left work, drove to the next town, and sat on a table with my bare butt sticking out for over 20 minutes just so the nurse could come and tell me that since I was still bleeding I wasn't where the Dr needed me to be so we'd try again next month.  It really sucked.  Especially since I told the girl after she weighed me that I was still bleeding and she told me it was ok.  It is now CD16 and I'm still bleeding. It's not even getting lighter, it's getting heavier.  I'm getting in a funk because of this. It makes me feel unclean all the time.  I just want to live in a shower.  I sure hope it doesn't last for 35 days like last time.

My wonderful mood makes me want to bash my so-worker in the head with my phone about 10 times a day. It's grand.

I've managed to talk my parents into having a Halloween party this year and somehow it has already become an annual thing. Even though it was my idea and I'm expected to do atleast 50% of everything, my ideas don't matter.  My mother does this to me every time we do a project together.  This is why I can't do cakes with her anymore.  It doesn't matter what it is, it will be what she wants.  We were discussing what color table cloths to use and I kept suggesting a color and she was acting like I didn't even say anything.  I would say something about a decoration I wanted to make and I was told we didn't need it. It is so frustrating, but of course I never say anything.  I'm about to the point where I'm going to have to say something.  Since I'm already grouchy because of AF I guess now is the perfect time.  The way I see it is if I''m paying for atleast half of the party then I should get half of the say so. Isn't that fair?

DH and I have been talking for years about wanting to open our own business. It has always been a dream of ours because we just hate working for other people.  Since we live in a small town we were having a hard time coming up with something that the town needed, that we wanted to do, and wouldn't be too extravagant for a small town.  We finally decided what we want to do.  We want to open a pie shop.  It would be called I Like Pie. Our specialty would be pies, but we would also sell cupcakes and cookies.  We were talking about it around my mother and I asked her if she would work at the pie shop with her, and apparently she took it to mean that she would own the shop with us.  She is already picking out the decor for us and everything. 

Of course this may just be a lifelong dream that never gets fulfilled, but what fun is life if you can't dream.  We are actually going to start working on some recipes soon.  My sister works at a high school so we're going to let her take them to work with her and let the teachers try them and give us feed back.  We're hoping that they will like them enough to place some orders.  My goal for now is just to get some good recipes down that people like.  My goal after that is to get enough orders that I can quit my job.  Next goal after that is probably a business loan.  We'll see how that goes.

I think we're going to make a pineapple pie tonight.  Any one have any suggestions on flavors?
I don't really remember what was in my last post, but incase I didn't tell you, AF came again with no meds.  I know most women don't wish for it, but I do and it's like a miracle when it happens.  It seems my body is finally figuring out what to do on its own. Small wonders never cease.

I think I'm most excited about the fact that this is going to be my first monitored cycle.  I had my FSH tested on CD3. I assume the Dr will go over that with me on Wednesday when I go in for my first ultrasound and follie check.  I am praying that I've got some eggs doin' their thang.  If not I'm not sure if they can give me anything at that point in my cycle to try and produce some follies.  I guess we'll see.

Part of the reason my body may be straightening out is that I've finally lost 20 lbs. Unfortunately not all of it is the 20 the Dr wants me to lose.  I have been working for 6 months to get this 20 off.  I've lost about 12 or 13 of the 20 the Dr wanted me to lose so I'm almost there.  Yippee!  It's amazing to me that I've lost almost 6 of it in the last two weeks and I've only been to the gym twice.  I've never lost that much weight so quigkly except maybe the first week or 2 on Nutrisystem, but then my weight loss trickled after that.  I am about to the lowest weight I had on NS before I got frustrated and quit. Then I gained all of it back so it was a waste of the $1800 I spent.  I feel like since this weight came of with good ol' diet and exercise it will stay off. Plus I won't let myself get that heavy again.

I'm loving the way I feel.  In the last couple of weeks I have really started to see a change in my body shape and it's great.  Once I lose some more weight maybe I will post some before and after pictures.  I've lost a pant size and I'm back in the jeans I was wearing at the end of NS. Before too much longer I will be able to fit in to my "skinny" jeans.

The last week and a half were pretty nice at work. My co-worker was out on vacation so it was warm and quiet in here.  I loved it.  My mom actually came and did some temp work because we were so busy last week. We are a non-profit organization that does safety training for the petrochemical industry and most of those are computer courses.  DH runs the computer lab and he was so swamped he had to have help.  That is the first time in 8 years he has had to have help.  Business is really picking up here so that might mean going to full time for me.  I wouldn't really mind that, I just wouldn't have Fridays for doing things with my mom.